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Marketing Power of Humor

Ever wonder why you find yourself glued to Khaby Lame's silent skits on TikTok? It's the magic of humor! Humor not only entertains us, but science shows it activates our reward system, making us crave more. This insight is a goldmine for marketers. Discover how brands like Old Spice and Pepsi are using humor to grab attention, build connections, and boost sales. Learn why humor should be a key ingredient in your marketing strategy!


Let’s play a guessing game. Who do you think is the most followed TikToker of the world? 

A Hollywood actor? No!

A famous musician? No!

A stunt performer? No!

A body builder? No!

A rich guy showing off his wealth? – Why? No!

A lady being unreasonably revealing? – Nice try! but NO!

Since you are running out of options let me make it easy for you by giving a hint. He is an African and gained popularity by silently mocking critical life hacks given by other influencers. I guess all the bells inside your head are ringing now, and, yes, the person is Khabane “Khaby” Lame. 

Khabby has 161.6 million followers on TikTok. And if you are familiar with his videos, you must have noticed he doesn’t show off expensive lifestyle or high-end cars etc., his only USP is pure humor and that too without speaking a single word. 

The point is, although the Tik Tok platform is flooded with several types of attention-grabbing content, people are inclining towards pure humor.


Why Do People Love Humor? 

To resolve this mystery, I turned towards the science behind human behavior. In general, we want to feel good. And we do so many things to achieve that ‘feel good’ state, for example traveling, watching movies, purchasing new things, and partying among others. While all these options are subjective and vary with people’s choices, one option is there which appeals to most of the people – laughing at others’ jokes. 

We get easily attracted towards people with good sense of humor. Because that particular person is personally rewarding for you. How? Let’s see what human behavior experts say about it. Dr. Madelin Strike, Associate Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences says when you laugh at a joke, your brain experiences a series of fascinating reactions? For instance, the prefrontal cortex – a region responsible for decision-making and social behavior – becomes active. This part of your brain helps you to connect different pieces of information, such as the setup and punchline of the joke. Furthermore, when you understand the joke, another part of your brain – the ‘reward area’ – becomes active. This is the same area that lights up when you engage in pleasurable activities such as eating your favorite food, having sex or taking drugs (don’t do it). 

It’s amazing how much our brain can react to a simple act of laughter, isn’t it? Somehow businesses around the world got to know about this human weakness/fondness towards humor and we often see them use it in their marketing campaigns.

In the following section we will see some examples. 

Humor in Marketing Campaigns

1. Old Spice

American brand Old Spice is specialized in producing grooming products for men. Besides its superior products, Old Spice is also known for launching funny commercials to promote its products and masculinity. Recently, the company teamed up with characters from the popular Netflix series The Witcher to make a funny commercial on how these characters from the old world would really smell.

Released nine months ago, this commercial already has 7.7 million views on YouTube. 

2. Pepsi

Celebrities often promote brands in commercials joyously as if they are actually using the product. But have you ever wondered whether they really use those products or not? Certainly, you don’t have the opportunity to ask this question to any celebrity, hence Pepsi did that for you. Regular soft drink commercials show that some Hollywood celebrity is taking a sip from a bottle and getting lost in the following feeling of refreshment. Pepsi took the other way round and employed Ben Stiller to ask the question – do celebrities really do all the things we see they are doing on screen? Stiller’s answer is – no, it’s acting. At the end he was shown taking a sip from a Pepsi can and saying “wow, it’s really good”, followed by a question “or, it’s just acting”. The commercial ends with a call for action, which is, obviously, try yourself and decide. 

3. Uber Eats

Are you a fan of the Netflix show Bridgerton? If you are a woman, I am quite certain your heart skips a beat whenever you see Anthony or Benedict on screen. But what if they become part of your real life? Alert: with their early 19th century cultural mindset. How will that be? Who else will tell better than the Lady Wistledown herself? Hence, Uber Eats hired her (Nicola Coughlan) to give us a review. In this funny commercial Nicola searched ‘period romance’ on Uber Eats app and a man (similar to male character described in classic novels) appeared at her doorstep. The rest of the commercials show the culture shocks both are experiencing from each other. The ad ends with a message that Uber Eats can deliver anything so be careful what you wish for. 

Why You Should Include Humor in Your Marketing Strategy

In the world of marketing, using humor is a winning strategy that can generate a host of positive emotions in your audience, leading to increased engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty. By leveraging humor, brands can create a captivating and memorable experience for their audience and establish an instant connection with them. One of the key benefits of using humor is that it’s a great way to grab people’s attention. Whether it’s a witty one-liner or a humorous storyline, starting your ad or content with a joke is a surefire way to capture your viewer’s attention and keep them engaged.

Another benefit of using humor is that it helps to build a sense of community around your brand or product. People love to feel like they’re part of something bigger, and creating a community around your brand is one of the best ways to foster a sense of belonging among your audience. Humor can play a key role in this process by getting people talking and sharing their experiences with others. When people laugh, they’re more likely to share that experience with their friends and family, which can help to spread the word about your brand and build your following.

Finally, humor can also have a humanizing effect on your brand. By injecting some personality and levity into your marketing, you can help to break down the barriers between your business and your audience and create a more authentic and relatable connection with them. This can be especially important for businesses that are in highly competitive or commoditized markets, as it can help to differentiate your brand and create a lasting impression in the minds of your audience.


In conclusion, humor is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to not only entertain but also achieve marketing goals. By understanding the science behind laughter and how it taps into our reward system, businesses can craft humorous content that resonates with audiences, fosters brand loyalty, and ultimately drives sales. So next time you’re brainstorming marketing ideas, don’t forget the power of a good chuckle.


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