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7 Habits of Highly Effective People- A Startup Guide

Effective people
The search for success is a universal one. With distractions lurking in every corner the need to inculcate habits that help you achieve results and empower you to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life becomes paramount. Read on to embark on a journey of self transformation and create a roadmap to success.


Life is like a race, and everyone’s struggling to get to the top of the leaderboard, often overlooking the fact that before leading others, it is essential to first develop an understanding of who you are, what you can do and where you are going.

Stephen Covey’s renowned work, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, remains a timeless guide for leaders. This book has been a cornerstone for effective leadership for years, highlighting the traits that elevate individuals to remarkable success. The mindset and self-control needed for excellence in every facet of life can be attained by embracing 7 habits of highly effective people.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habits of Highly effective people

1. Be Proactive

“Act rather than react” is the motto of a highly effective person. Proactivity signifies the inclination to seize initiative. Effective persons might occasionally exhibit qualities akin to that of a mentalist – a magician capable of reading minds- as they skillfully prevent potential issues through preemptive action.

Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl, who introduced this concept to the broader collective, described a proactive individual as someone who takes responsibility for his or her life, rather than looking for causes in outside circumstances or other people.

2. Begin with the End in Mind

Imagine the chaos that would ensue should an architect initiate construction without first laying down the foundational blueprint. The landscape would likely be littered with structures collapsing like a deck of cards.

Setting their sight on the end goal is a habit that marks the making of an effective individual. Keeping their mind on a guiding goal allows them to see the bigger picture without losing sight of the here and now.

Successful people set out with a mission, vision and goals in mind and subsequently, they work backward to formulate strategies and choices that fit their mission and objectives.

3. Put First Things First

One of the habits of successful people is to be aware of their priorities. Are you familiar with the rocks and pebbles story? Well, here is a refresher:

This story highlights the importance of recognizing what truly matters and needs immediate action, as well as what can be postponed. This awareness allows you to operate at your peak effectiveness. By not getting sidetracked by tasks that appear urgent but might not be, you can concentrate on your real objectives and manage your time in a way that optimally supports your goal achievement. This also involves concentrating on your goals and entrusting the less significant tasks to others through delegation

4. Think Win-Win

Naturally, humans exhibit a self-centered temperament, often prioritizing their own needs. Nonetheless, highly effective people recognize that they cannot succeed alone and therefore cultivate a practice of considering solutions that yield advantages not only for themselves but also for all parties concerned. 

Appreciative of the role community plays in their goal achievement, these highly effective individuals believe in harmonizing situations through resolutions that foster mutually beneficial relationships.

5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”

An essential habit of the seven habits of highly effective people is listening.  Listening, and I mean actually listening, is a rare art. In conversations people tend to hear the other person but not really pay enough attention to the conversation to actually understand what is being said. 

Engaging fully and being present in a conversation can lead to comprehending the speaker’s perspective and preventing needless conflicts. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to peaceful conflict resolution.

6. Synergize

To synergize is to cooperate as a team to create solutions greater than the sum of individual efforts. Collaboration is transformative; it combines the diverse strengths, talents and perspectives to create outcomes that surpass any individual’s outcomes when working alone. Working in synergy gives rise to innovating problem-solving and trust building within the team. 

This habit of highly successful people becomes a catalyst for enhanced teamwork, higher levels of productivity, and the generation of groundbreaking solutions.

7. Sharpen the Saw

Abraham Lincoln once famously said,

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.” 

Similar to how a dull axe struggles to perform its tasks effectively, an unrefreshed mind can’t reach its full potential. A vital practice of highly effective people is to keep their minds sharp. They allow themselves breaks to relax and recharge, giving their body and mind the chance to rejuvenate and avoid burnout.

True success demands setting aside time for self-care. This includes engaging in exercise, relaxation, learning, and personal growth, which contribute to one’s spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.


These 7 habits have the power to churn out effective individuals, team members and leaders. To take the desired effect these habits must become a part of your life and not a one-off event. Continued practice in the 7 habits philosophy can help you continually improve on these principles and achieve your greatest potential.


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